Ready to rebuild your relationship with food and finally get healthy?
Take the self-paced nutrition course designed to help you break free from fad diets.
(Without any extreme diets!)
If you're like me, you've tried it all. Atkins. Keto. Juice cleanses. Optavia.
Nothing really seems to work. At least not for long.
It all seems to backfire in the end.
Everything you try seems to work for a little while, but then you hit a plateau or run out of motivation, and suddenly you're back where you started.
(Trust me, I've been there!)
What if you could finally learn how to make healthy lifestyle changes without going crazy, starving yourself, or falling off the wagon?
If you're tired of extreme diets that always result in failure, this is the course for you.
(And never look back!)
1) There’s so much noise in the diet, fitness, and nutrition industry that you don’t know what’s what anymore.
What’s truly healthy and what’s just a marketing ploy? What are the tried-and-true ways to get results? If you’re overwhelmed with diet culture, this course is a great place to start learning about nutrition.
2) You’ve tried a whole bunch of extreme diets or cleanses, and you’ve spent a lot of money on fat-loss products that were supposed to help you lose weight and get healthy.
But at the end of the day, all of them left you feeling defeated and discouraged. You are OVER the crazy diets and products. There has to be a better way! (Trust me, there is!)
3) You recognize your unhealthy habits and want habit-based nutrition help.
More specifically, you need encouragement and accountability for your nutrition choices and fitness journey in a sustainable and encouraging environment. You’re ready to focus on long-term results and healthy lifestyle changes that will last forever…not just a few months or weeks! Plus, you want to tackle mindset, not just food.
I'm a NASM Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach and mom of two. After years on the postpartum weight loss struggle bus, I dedicated myself to helping women feel healthy from the inside out. Since 2017, I have been focused on educating myself on the best (and most foolproof) ways to get and STAY fit.
Chantal Steele
(Here's what one student shared with me on Instagram!)
(This is definitely one of the best reviews I've ever had!)
Take the self-led nutrition course designed to help you lose weight & stop yo-yo dieting.
This Course Includes:
1) 12 weeks' worth of nutrition education packed into a self-led online course.
2) Instructions on how to set your macros, calories, and more for sustainable weight loss.
3) Weekly worksheets or homework tasks that coincide with the nutrition reading.
4) Mindset work that will help you break unhealthy habits and replace them with better ones.
5) You also get my 4-week core rehab workout program (PDF form) as well as my high-protein recipe book with over 45 delicious recipes! ($45 value!)
*Please note that there are no refunds for digital products like Nutrition For Weight Loss 101.
Take a closer look at what's included in this course by taking a peek at the weekly curriculum:
Before You Get Started
Week 0 (Start HERE!)
Helpful & Recommended Tools
Week 0 Self-Assessment
Week 0 - Worksheets Only
MyFitnessPal Setup Guide
Note RE: MyFitnessPal
Week 1 Homework
Week 1 - Worksheets Only
Week 2 Homework
Week 2 - Worksheets Only
Week 3 Homework
Week 3 - Worksheets Only
Week 4 Homework
Week 4 - Worksheets Only
Week 5 Homework
Chapter 6 Homework (No Worksheets This Week)
Mid-Course Questionnaire
Week 7 Homework
Week 7 - Worksheets Only
Week 8 Homework
Week 9 Homework
Week 9 - Worksheets Only
Week 10 Homework
Week 10 - Worksheets Only
Week 11 Homework
Week 11 - Worksheets Only
Course Review & Resources
Helpful Freebies & Downloads
Week 12 Questionnaire
Wrapping Up
Protein-Packed PDF Cookbook Details
High-Protein Recipe Pack PDF
Core Strength Workout Program Details
Restore The Core 4-Week Program
Enroll in my DIY nutrition coaching course while it's still on sale.
My high protein recipe book with over 45 recipes and my signature core rehabilitation program. ($45 Value!)
*Please note that I am a certified nutrition coach and do not offer customized meal plans or make any diagnoses or prescribe any specific medications, supplements, or diets. If you want to learn more about what a nutrition coach does, please read this page.
As a nutrition coach, I want to help as many women as possible because I know what it's like to struggle with dieting, emotional eating, and nutrition.
At the end of the day, I want to make sure you have all of the knowledge you need to get your nutrition back on track for good.
I normally charge my one-on-one nutrition clients $600 for a 12-week package, and that's on the low end of traditional coaching costs.
When you take this course, it's sort of like DIYing your nutrition journey with my help (for a fraction of the cost of traditional nutrition coaching).
You get all of the same information, minus the weekly accountability calls and check-ins.
Here's a quick rundown of everything I go over in this course:
1) Micro & Macronutrients
2) Effective Goal-Setting
3) Tried-and-True Weight Loss Strategies
4) Basic Exercise Science
5) Biofeedback Education
6) Serotonin & Other Hormonal Issues
7) Coping Strategies for Emotional Eating
8) Kitchen & Meal Prep Hacks
9) Healthy Habit-Building Strategies
10) Nutrition Fads & Diet Myths
BONUS #1: High Protein Cookbook
BONUS #2: Restore The Core Ab Program
(As you can see, I've included just about everything I've learned after seven years as a personal trainer and three years as a nutrition coach!)
This course is everything I wish I'd known about nutrition and weight loss when I got started ten years ago.
I'm picky about my clients and can tell right away if they're not ready to change their lives.
Not everyone is a good fit for this course because ultimately, it's up to YOU to take action.
(You can't change your life without putting in the work!)
This online nutrition coaching course is NOT for you if:
1) You are looking for "quick fixes" or extreme diets. This course advocates healthy and sustainable eating habits.
2) You're looking for someone else to do "the work" for you. Weight loss and nutrition are very personal and require a long-term commitment to yourself. If you want to see success, you'll need to be a self-starter.
3) You are still blaming others for your health & circumstances. This is not the course for you if you are still playing the "victim" in your life.
4) You are not open to new ideas, strategies, and plans. (You aren't willing to try new things.)
Sorry to sound harsh, but this course is for people who are ready to change their lives!
This online nutrition course is for you if...
1) You're a go-getter and consider yourself a proactive person. This course is entirely self-led and requires that you take action!
2) You're ready to take responsibility for your health & quit blaming your circumstances or other people in your life for your current situation.
3) You want to be educated when it comes to nutrition and you're ready to build a solid foundation to kick-off a lifelong journey of learning. You understand that health is an ongoing process.
4) You are coachable, organized, and motivated enough to follow the plan set by your coach. You are open to new ideas and strategies.